Like i said, you can’t use /your/ experience as a determinant of the struggle of every indigenous African.
“Depression is essentially an American state of mind.” This statement lacks critical thinking. Proving how uninformed you essentially are.
“Africans are strong, creative people, some of whom are constantly in a life or death struggle.”
I am going to assume your point is, because we are strong, naturally innovative and are adherent to struggle, the ability to “feel” unhappiness, gloom, sorrow, and despair is nonexistent. Your statement sounds rather prejudiced . Why? Because in your mind you feel because of we’re simply “Africans”, suffering is rather natural and we should therefore be able to deal with just because it’s something you think we’re used to. This proves you’re a part of the problem. Having the audacity to think the right to feel is limited to America.
Your illiberality is gorgeously comatose, hence the applause.